My projects


School of Code CoachBot

Final group project for the 16-week bootcamp with the School of Code. Built using TypeScript, Next.js, Vercel AI SDK, Tailwind CSS, and OpenAI's language model (LLM).

Celestial Objects Database

Celestial Objects Database

The Celestial Objects Database catalogs planets, moons, stars, constellations, and galaxies, and includes observational instruments for determining viewability. Built using MySQL, it demonstrates SQL techniques like joins, views, stored procedures, triggers, and subqueries, following 3rd Normal Form (3NF).

Green Energy Manager

Green Energy Manager

Final group project for CFG Java + Masters program.
A RESTful API developed using Java Spring Boot for managing and tracking energy transactions, including functionalities for submitting meter readings and calculating net energy differences.



Group project for the School of Code Codefest Hackathon in the category 'Enhancing Educational Experiences with Innovation.' Built using TypeScript, Next.js, and Tailwind CSS.

Python dictionary


Assignment for CFGdegree.
A terminal-based dictionary app interacting with an API. Built using Python.

Climate Change Board Game

Climate Change and Street Safety Board Game

A Java application addressing climate change and street safety, created as part of the JAVA MOOC Challenge with Code First Girls.

FeelingFusion Arcade

FeelingFusion Arcade

Final project for CS50X - CS50's Introduction to Computer Science.
An interactive web application designed to help children and adults explore the world of emotions through play. Built using Flask framework, JavaScript and SQLite.

Revision API

Revision API

Group Assignment for CFGdegree.
An API designed to support students learning Python, JavaScript, and SQL. This API enables users to access and manage programming questions to help with their studies.
It was built using Flask framework, MySQL, and Python.

Animal Quiz

Animal Quiz

Assignment for CFGdegree.
A simple web quiz designed to test your knowledge about animals. Built using HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript.

Spell Hive


Group Project for the Introduction to JavaScript Kickstarter course by Code First Girls.
A fun and interactive website created specially for children in Years 1 through 6, to help them practice their spelling of common exception words. Built using React.